Five reasons to choose Log360, part 5: Integrated compliance management

So far in this blog series, we’ve seen how Log360 is simple to get up and running, allows you to receive a central view of multiple environments, provides deep auditing capabilities across these environments, and comes with advanced security features to deal with all manner of security incidents.

In the concluding post of this blog series, we’ll look at another highly essential component of SIEM solutions: integrated compliance management. With data breaches and other cyberattacks striking organizations every day, compliance mandates are increasingly rigorous in several areas.

Log360 helps organizations stay compliant with these policies by providing a host of features as outlined below:

Predefined compliance reports: Log360 comes with prebuilt compliance reports for several policies, including PCI DSS, SOX, HIPAA, FISMA, GLBA, ISO 27001, and the GDPR. You can generate these reports with a single click and export them as needed.

Custom compliance reports: Because new regulations might be issued at any time, and some organizations also have internal requirements, Log360 enables you to build custom compliance reports with a few simple clicks.

Establishment of security controls: Compliance isn’t just about audit reports addressing a set of defined criteria. Regulations often require you to have stringent security controls in place that help you detect security incidents early and prove that you have taken all necessary steps to secure your network from attacks. Log360 helps you build the following security controls:

  • Incident detection mechanisms: The advanced security incident detection methods listed in the previous blog post help you detect incidents at their earliest stages. With detailed documentation available for all incidents discovered, you can prove that you have strict incident detection mechanisms in place.
  • Data discovery: Compliance policies require that you constantly keep a look out for personally identifiable information (PII) within your network and take steps to keep it secure at all times. Log360’s automated data discovery feature helps you do this, and the dashboard provides necessary information about all data that’s been discovered.
  • Forensic reports: Document all incident investigations with Log360’s detailed search reports that can easily be exported into a format of your preference.
  • Incident management: Incident management records help you prove that you handled all security incidents with due diligence.

Secure log archival: Most compliance policies require you to archive your logs securely for a specified minimum period, as they may be required for future investigations. Log360 provides flexible archiving options that enable you to archive logs automatically at custom intervals and store them for as long as needed. Archives are securely encrypted using an MD5 checksum, which is a unique value computed for a file. As this value changes if the archive files are modified in any way, you can use it to prove that they haven’t been tampered with. The historical log import feature also enables you to import and search through log archives as required.

In this blog series, we have seen that Log360 is a complete SIEM solution that helps organizations meet their varied auditing, security, and compliance needs. The five posts in this blog series show how Log360 stands out among its competitors due to its sheer range of SIEM capabilities

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