Secure your Office 365 with these 5 features

Office 365 is a powerful business tool that allows staff to access Office applications and mailboxes from anywhere and at any time.

It also offers businesses the ability to manage customer relationships and schedule customer appointments.

However, Office 365’s native tools aren’t perfect, meaning that certain implementations can prove difficult without additional assistance.

That’s where O365 Manager Plus provides fantastic value to businesses using Office 365.

This powerful software is designed to make it easy to implement changes that improve the security and functionality of your Office 365 setup.

Here are some powerful ways that O365 Manager Plus can boost your Office 365 security.

Enable mailbox auditing for all users

Office 365’s auditing options are natively limited to mailbox owners.

O365 Manager Plus, on the other hand, allows you to extend these permissions to admins and delegates too, meaning you can search audit logs throughout your Office 365 setup and find breaches of privileges, non-owner mailbox access logs, and other threats.

O365 Manager Plus also offers features such as indefinite log storage and audit log archival, all of which make it easier to keep track of the security of your business’ mailboxes.

Disable mail forwarding to external email addresses

A hacker technique that is becoming increasingly popular involves the hacker setting up client-side forwarding rules, and then forwarding emails to their own external email addresses.

There can be hundreds of forwarding rules in an Office 365 installation, making it difficult for admins to keep track of what is authentic and what is malicious.

O365 Manager Plus allows you to block the capability of users to forward mails to external addresses, ensuring that this hacking threat is nullified in just a few clicks.

Multi-factor authentication for Azure AD privileged roles and users

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is crucial in digital security at the best of times; however, its particularly important for a business solution like Office 365.

While MFA can be implemented with Office 365’s native tools, it is a manual and cumbersome task, and leaves open the risk of human error.

O365 Manager Plus, on the other hand, makes the implementation of MFA for multiple users easily-configurable in just a few clicks.

This tool also allows you to configure multiple tenants, as well as their users, from a single console.

Review audit data and mailbox threats

Administrators need to check up on their audit logs rigorously and regularly to make sure that there isn’t a hacker or malware present in their Office 365 installation operating undetected.

Malware is a particularly common way of attacking Office 365 set-ups, so it is important to continuously be reviewing the Malware Detections report.

Another important way of protecting your Office 365 setup is to check continuously that no one is accessing mailboxes that they do now own. This can be done through the Mailbox Access by Non-Owners report.

O365 Manager Plus powers these review processes by allowing you to enable reports to be scheduled automatically, and once completed, emailed to the relevant administrators.

Additionally, users can optimise their reports by choosing which attributes they want to be tracked.

Configure non-global administrator roles

Having many global administrators increases the risk of an account being compromised.

The best solution to this problem is to minimise the number of global administrators within your Office 365 installation.

Through O365 Manager Plus, this is easy to implement. The software allows you to create your own custom, non-admin roles for technicians, providing them only with the exact privileges they need.

Then, if one of these accounts is compromised, the effect on your business is significantly less than if the compromised account had full administrator access.

Secure your Office 365 installation

These are just a few of the ways that O365 Manager Plus can simplify the process of keeping your Office 365 setup secure.

In this day and age, as hackers lurk online, you can’t afford to neglect the security of your business resources. 

If you would like to learn more, download our “An IT Admins Guide to boosting Office 365 Secure Score” or sign up to trial O365 Manager Plus and get protected today! 

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