Windows logon auditing: Everything you need to know in only 10 minutes

User logon activity needs to be audited to meet various security, operational, and compliance requirements of an IT environment, such as:

  • Detecting suspicious activities like a high volume of logon failures.
  • Tracking the active and idle time spent by users at their workstations.
  • Maintaining a comprehensive audit trail of logons occurring across the domain and more.

So, it is imperative for administrators to audit logons. However, the process of auditing logons has a steep learning curve. We have put together an e-book to make it easier for you to get on top of the process.

In this free e-book, you’ll learn about:

  • The difference between authentication and logons.
  • The auditing settings you need to configure to enable logging.
  • The 12 critical event IDs to keep track of.
  • Logon types, failure codes, and other event fields to keep an eye on.
  • How to overcome the limitations of native auditing.

Get your free copy of this e-book now.

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